Categories: projects


-Fuel-efficient Stoves

-Fuel-efficient Stoves

Fuel-efficient Stoves Summary: Women spend hours cooking daily, risking health from indoor pollution. AusCongo Network aims to introduce fuel-efficient stoves in Congo villages to save lives and protect the environment. Challenge: Congolese villages rely on…
Sewing Social Enterprise Project

Sewing Social Enterprise Project

Sewing Social Enterprise Project Summary: Sewing Social Enterprise Project Summary: In today’s world, having basic skills is crucial for starting small businesses. In Congo, where survival is tough, skills like sewing can help. AusCongo Network’s…
Teacher In a box

Teacher In a box

Teacher in a box With the help of Greater Springfield Rotary Club, Teacher in a Box provides offline access to educational materials to students who do not internet access. The Box is pre-loaded with a…
Chicken Vaccination Project

Chicken Vaccination Project

Chicken Vaccination Project Summary: Vaccines are crucial for stopping disease outbreaks. In Congo, poverty and hunger are common, and many rely on chickens for food. Unvaccinated chickens can spread deadly diseases to humans. AusCongo Network,…
Buddy2Buddy Solar

Buddy2Buddy Solar

Buddy2Buddy Solar Summary: Light and electricity are essential needs. Many people in Congo, especially children, use kerosene lanterns and candles due to lack of electricity, which produce harmful carbon monoxide and can cause fires. Buddy2Buddy…
Digital Literacy Project

Digital Literacy Project

Digital Literacy Project Summary: The internet and mobile phones have made the world a digital place. Almost everyone uses digital apps and the internet daily. COVID-19 has pushed even education online. AusCongo Network is holding…
Agriculture and Keeping Girls in School Project

Agriculture and Keeping Girls in School Project

Keeping Girls in School Project Summary: Education is essential for a country’s development. In many places, including Congo villages, girls are often denied education. Education is a basic right for everyone, including girls. AusCongo Network,…
Agriculture Training

Agriculture Training

Agriculture Training Summary: Agriculture is a crucial source of income and food worldwide, benefiting both economies and farmers. In Congo villages, many crops support families and provide fresh food. However, many villagers lack the training…

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